Author: Megan Erickson
Publisher: William Morrow Impulse
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 FREAKING stars
So, I know it would make more sense to write reviews for the books I just read in July, but I need to get this out. I have been trying to figure out what to say about this book other than just go read the damn thing, because it's SO GOOD.
From Goodreads: Kat Caruso wishes her brain had a return policy, or at least a complaint hot-line. The defective organ is constantly distracted, terrible at statistics, and absolutely flooded with inappropriate thoughts about her boyfriend’s gorgeous best friend, Alec…who just so happens to be her brand new math tutor. Who knew nerd was so hot?
Kat usually goes through tutors like she does boyfriends—both always seem to bail when they realize how hopeless she is. It’s safer for her heart to keep everyone at arm’s reach. But Alec is always stepping just a little too close.
Alec Stone should not be fantasizing about Kat. She’s adorable, unbelievably witty, and completely off limits. He’d never stab his best friend in the back…
But when secrets are revealed, the lines of loyalty are blurred. To make it count, Alec must learn messy human emotions can’t be solved like a trigonometry function. And Kat has to trust Alec may be the first guy to want her for who she is, and not in spite of it.
My Thoughts: The first thing that made me love this book was that I GOT Kat. I could totally relate with feeling like you have a defective brain, and some of the lines with her train of thought probably could've come straight from my head. I was also really awful at statistics. The second thing I loved was the chemistry between Kat and Alec. GOOD LORD! Those flirty, sexy scenes with them were written so well that I'm pretty sure the sexual tension was transferred through my iPhone screen and into me. Third reason for loving Make It I even have to say it? Hot nerdy guy. Is it even possible to be a book-loving nerd and NOT get all swoony over a sexy, smart guy with glasses? I don't think so.
This book was written at a good pace, and the story kept me interested. Well, it actually kept me more than interested considering I snuck off in WalMart while shopping with my family to finish it in the bathroom. I had to find out what would happen with Kat and Alec, both individually and as a potential couple. Kat makes some self-discoveries that can really throw a person for a loop and question all that they have known, and I had to find out what she would do with them. Megan Erickson also introduces us to some other pretty awesome characters. I loved Danica and her friendship with Alec. As a therapist, Max's broody side and strained relationship with his father had me wanting to hear more from him. Luckily, for readers like me, the next book in the series is about Max. Yay!
So, what do I think about Make It Count by Megan Erickson?