Friday, April 9, 2010

Book Blogger Hop (Week 1 Part 1)

Book Blogger Hop is a weekly meme I found over at Crazy for Books.  The idea is to connect with other book bloggers who share a passion for reading, just like you.  This is my first week participating. 

Here are some of the rules:

Your blog should have content related to books.  Reviews should be included, but your blog doesn't have to be strictly reviews.

If you find a blog you like and decide to follow, leave the blogger a comment to let them know you found them through Book Blogger Hop. 

If you're interested, hop (sorry. couldn't resist) on over to Crazy for Books to sign up.

For the next week, I'm going to check out a new blog each night and post the link.

Tonight's new blog is: Just One More Paragraph.


  1. Found your blog via hop! i would kill to have some chocolate now. LoL

  2. What a great blog! I'm glad you sent a tweet. Sorry about the comments. Don't have a clue what's up with them Must be blogger. Seems to be working OK now, but I had issues trying to post on some other blogs as I did the hop today.

    Thanks for the mention and spotlighting my blog!! I really appreciate it!

    Have a great weekend.
