Friday, August 6, 2010

Book Blogger Hop (2)

The Book Blogger Hop is a weekly meme hosted by Jennifer over at Crazy for Books. Each week, she gives bloggers the opportunity to share their blog and discover new ones. Make sure you read her rules for the hop, otherwise your blog link could be deleted. This is not just meant for pimping out your own blog. It's a great chance to find new bloggers you didn't know about. There's also a question posted with each Hop. Be sure to answer it when you post about the hop on your blog.

Question: Do you listen to music when you read? If so, what are your favorite reading tunes?

Answer: Sometimes I do, and sometimes I don't. I think it all depends on my mood and where I'm reading. I do a lot of my reading in our living room, game room, or bedroom. If I'm in the living room or game room, the TV is usually on. It's not uncommon for me to be reading and watching TV at the same time. If my husband is sleeping when I read in bed, I don't listen to music. If I'm by myself when I read in bed, I pick a Pandora station on my iPhone and listen to whatever comes on.

In addition to commenting on cool new blogs I find through the Hop, I've also decided to start doing a special post for a blog that really cathes my attention. Be sure to stop back later to see which blog I've chosen!

Happy Hopping!


  1. I am hopping in for the blog hop. I'm a follower, too!

    I can't listen to music - it's too distracting:)

    If you have time, drop in and say hi at Manga Maniac Cafe

  2. Stopping by from the Book Blogger Hop! I'm a new follower and am trying to rebuild my own followers list after having to redo my entire blog over from scratch (still a work in progress) due to a malicious hacker attack. I'd appreciate any and all new followers and will follow back! Thanks for hosting this blog hop and helping us reach out to each other!

    CCL (Crazy Cat Lady)

  3. Blog hopping by. Love your bright green layout. I am now following you, I have some of the same books in my TBR that you read this year. If you would like to check out my blog it is at

  4. I love quiet when I read. Beautiful quiet. Every now and then a little French music is lovely, too.

    I am now a follower. I hope you will stop by my blog.

  5. I found you through the blog hop (my first time).
    I see that you have The Book Thief on your wish list...I read that this past was good, but very sad at times...hope you enjoy it.

    Please stop by if you have a chance.

  6. Hi, just hopping on by! I typically find music too distracting when I'm reading, unless I'm studying (in which case it is sometimes necessary!)

  7. Like Danya, I find music is too distracting. I am not a big music person.

    Have you gotten up to clean yet?

    Fangs, Wands and Fairy Dust

  8. Stopping by from the Hop.... I really like the over all layout of your blog. I also like that you comment on different aspects of each book, from cover to characters.

  9. New follower from the Blog Hop

