111 in "11
Jennie at Life is Short. Read Fast. created this challenge. The name of the challenge is pretty self-explanatory. Read 111 books in 2011. This is going to be a huge challenge for me, since I only read 50 books in 2010. Of course, I was pretty busy in 2010. I was working full-time, getting my Master's degree in counseling, and planning a wedding/getting married. With 2010 coming to an end, I have been married for 6 months and graduated with my Master's degree a few weeks ago. That means the only major obligations I have for 2011 are working full-time as a counselor, keeping my husband happy, keeping my house from looking like a disaster area, and reading. If you're interested in the 111 in '11 Challenge sign up here. 2011 Debut Author Challenge
Kristi at The Story Siren is hosting the 2011 Debut Author Challenge. The idea is to read at least 12 novels from debut Young Adult or Middle Grade authors. 12 is just the minimum, so you can read as many as your little heart desires. Kristi has posted the challenge guidelines and a list of books to choose from on her site. Check it out and sign up for the challenge! So far, there are HUNDREDS of people signed up!There's one more challenge I'm participating in, but I don't have a cute little picture for it. It's the Winter Book Challenge from The Nest Book Club. A list of tasks are created with each task given a point total. Points range from 5 to 10 to 15 to 25. It's a great challenge. The first five people to win get to choose the 25 point tasks for the following challenge. I've had my list of books for the challenge since the tasks were first posted. I love these challenges and get super excited for them. I haven't finished any of the ones I've participated in, but I have high hopes for this one.
In addition to these challenges, I'm hoping to read more of the books I already own. My bookcase is exploding! I'm also hoping to get more books from the library. This might be hard, though, because my local library doesn't have much to offer.
Well, those are my reading challenges for 2011! I don't know about you, but I'm excited for tomorrow. It's the start of an awesome year of reading. :-)