I read Bag of Bones by Stephen King back in October. It was a book picked for the October read with my online book club. I've read a few Stephen King books before, so I was excited to read another one. I had heard some people talk about how scared they were reading this book, but I didn't find it scary at all. If I had to think of one word to describe Bag of Bones, it would be "intriguing." King kept me thinking the entire time, trying to figure out what was going on.
Rating: 4/5
I read The Girl in the Green Sweater in November while on a Holocaust kick. I had found some books about the Holocaust that looked interesting and this was one of them. This is the story of a girl who lived with her family in the sewers under their city for a little over a year. They were a Jewish family and were hiding from the Nazis. This story was amazing. Krystyna was so young when her family was forced into hiding. I was blown away by the family's strength and resiliency. I can't imagine experiencing what they went through.
Rating: 4/5
Like I said, I was on a Holocaust kick. I loved this book! I developed an attachment to the main character, which led to some interesting responses to the end of the book. This is the story of a young boy whose father is an important part of Hitler's SS. The boy's family is moved to a different location because of his father's job. It is here that the boy comes face to face with what his father actually does at work. Great book! Read it!
Rating: 5/5
I'll finish up this post with yet another Holocaust book. This one is a bit different, though. This is the story of a young Polish woman who experienced the terrors of the Nazis because of her nationality. In addition to dealing with her own struggles every day, she also risked her life to hide Jews. Irene's story is sad, inspiring, and happy at times. Reading it made me feel very grateful for my own life and made me think of all the things I take for granted every day.
Rating: 5/5
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