Title: Grave's End
Author: Elaine Mercado
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications
Release Date: May 2001
Source: Own
My Rating: **
From Goodreads: When Elaine Mercado and her first husband bought their home in Brooklin, New York, in 1982, they had no idea that they and their youg daughters were embarking on a thirteen year nightmare.
Within a few days of moving in, Elaine and her older daughter began to experience the sensation of being watched. Then came scratching moises and weird smells, followed by voices whispering, maniacal laughter, shadowy figures scurrying along baseboards, and small balls of light bouncing along the ceilings. From the beginning of the haunting, "suffocating dreams" were experienced by everyone except the younger daughter These eventually accelerated to physical aggression directed at Elaine and both the girls.
This book is the true story of how one family tried to cope with living in a haunted house. It also describes how, with the help of a parapsychologist Dr. Hans Holtzer and the medium Marisa Anderson, the family discovered the tragic and heartbreaking secrets buried in the house at Grave's End.
My Thoughts: This book was okay. It was a quick read. The author did a good job describing how she and her family were affected by the haunting. There were times when I wanted to grab her, shake her, and tell her to get real. If you think something weird is going on in your house, do something about it. If I experienced some of the things she did, I probably would've high-tailed it out of there a lot sooner than the author did. This book was okay, but I'm not sure I'd recommend it.
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