Monday, June 21, 2010

Weekend Wrap-Up (2)

This past weekend was super busy and very fun.  It was the weekend before my wedding, which obviously means it was jam packed with stuff.  I was hoping to squeeze in some reading but figured it probably wouldn't happen.

On Friday night, my fiance and I had a relaxing night together.  We watched some episodes from True Blood Season 2.  I love that show.  I wish I had HBO to watch the new season.

I figured if I did any reading over the weekend, it would be on Saturday.  My fiance went to a fundraising mini golf tournament held by a local radio station.  It was part of his bachelor party.  That meant I had the whole day to myself before heading out for my bachelorette party.  I ended up taking my jeep to the dealership for a little bit of work, picking up a present for my dad for Father's Day, dropping it off to him, running my little brother to the store to get a present, and then rushing home to get ready.  I definitely didn't plan on fitting all of that into my day.  I did manage to read a few chapters of Mercy by Jodi Picoult. 

My bridesmaids and grandma went to the Spaghettie Warehouse for dinner.  After dinner, I went to a local bar with a few friends.  We didn't stay very long, and I only had a few drinks.  It was enough for me, though.  I'm not a big party animal. 

On Sunday, my fiance and I ran some errands and did some shopping.  Then we spent several hours watching the rest of True Blood Season 2.  He had a late hockey game, which meant I could fit in some blogging. 

The best part of my weekend was that it was the last weekend before we are a married couple. :-)

1 comment:

  1. What an exciting week it will be as you countdown to your wedding! Congrats in advance.
