Selva over at My Views gave me this awesome award. Part of receiving this award is linking back to the generous giver and sharing 7 things readers might not know about me. Then I have to pass it on to 15 other blogs I've discovered. So, here it goes!
1. I'm the oldest of 3 children.
2. I've recently discovered the joy of organizing, and I love it!
3. I can say the alphabet backwards.
4. I'm super cheap.
5. I love pop (soda) but have recently given it up in an attempt to lose weight.
6. I've suffered from chronic headaches/migraines for 8 years.
7. I'm one semester away from having my Master's Degree in Professional Counseling.
I know you're supposed to share with 15 blogs, but I'm not doing that many. My computer is super slow, and I don't want to spend hours hunting down blog URLs. So, here's what I've got.
Confessions of a Bookaholic
The Book Vixen
The Book Cellar
Good Books & Good Wine
Crazy for Books
The Neverending Shelf
Congrats for your award! Yes, organizing things is a great pleasure.