Monday, July 5, 2010

Weekend Wrap-Up (3)

So I haven't blogged in quite awhile, but I have a good reason.  Last weekend, I got married.  Life had been pretty hectic up until that point.  Every night was filled with some sort of preparation for the big day.  The wedding was amazing.

I thought life after the wedding would be much less chaotic.  Wrong!  Our Best Man and his girlfriend stayed at our house for most of the week after the wedding.  He had gotten into a big fight with his parents (where they were supposed to stay).  My new husband, being the nice guy that he is, offered up our extra bedroom.  They weren't bad guests.  My husband and I were both working during the day, so we really only saw them in the evenings.

When they finally left, I thought I'd be able to get more done around the house.  I started to tackle some major cleaning projects.  Then it was the holiday weekend!  We hit up some picnics and ate lots of good food.  The last couple days we spent working on house projects.  Now that the wedding is done and over with we'd like to do some things to our house.

So, I've had a pretty busy couple weeks.  I'm hoping to catch up on my blogging this week.  I've got a few reviews to post.


  1. Congrats! You look beautiful!

  2. Good to hear that after a long time you are gonna post some
