Friday, September 17, 2010

Book Blogger Hop: Sept. 17-20, 2010

The Book Blogger Hop is a great weekly meme hosted over at Crazy for Books.  Each week, book bloggers post about the hop and add their sites to a list of links.  This list is then used by other book bloggers as a tool to check out new fellow bloggers.  Along with the general hop info, Jennifer also posts a question for everyone to answer in their hop post.  Instead of a question this week, though, she's asking that everyone share a fellow book blogger that they enjoy in honor of Book Blogger Appreciation Week.

Here are a few book blogs that I like:

Me, My Book and the Couch

The Story Siren


  1. Hopping by to visit and follow! And whoa, Carved in Bone looks downright terrifying--I'm glad you're liking it. :-)


  2. Just hoping by. You're background reminds me of fall and I love it!

    Sarah @ Loving Books

  3. Hi there *waves*,

    Just making my round via hop. I love checking out new blogs and visiting old ones becuase everyone has unique content! This week I'm trying to reach 325 followers and for every follower I get this week they will get one too!!! So hop one over!

    Take Care,
    Badass Bookie (Lisa)xx

  4. Old follower hopping through. Love the new background!

  5. Hi, found you via the Hop and I'm a new follower!

